Alayen, Artimenner, Baheshtur, Bunduk, Katrin, Matheld, Nizar, Rolf, Ymira.Alayen, Artimenner, Baheshtur, Borcha, Firentis, Jeremus, Lezalit, Rolf, Ymira.
If you would like 9 heroes, there are 10 possible lineups: There is only one lineup that includes 10 heroes and is stable: There are a few approaches to building a group that is stable over time. However, note that it is possible to keep a hero in your party along with someone they hate if you balance this animosity by also recruiting someone whom the prickly hero likes. One first must be aware of which hero hates which other heroes, as these conflicts will decrease morale and make it harder to keep your chosen heroes from leaving the party.