The design may have roots in the phoenix/starbird graffiti Sabine Wren leaves behind in Star Wars Rebels. Their symbol, a starbird, is most often spotted on pilots’ helmets and can also be seen on uniforms on the Resistance base in The Force Awakens.
The Rebel Alliance stood against the Galactic Empire in the original trilogy and after years of fighting, the Rebellion eventually signed a concordance with the Empire. Here are five such symbols from the galaxy far, far away: Like emblems in our world, the symbols allow you to tell which organization someone has pledged his or her allegiance to with a quick glance. Symbols like those appear throughout the Star Wars universe in the films, television series, books, games, and comics. Do you remember the first time you noticed the symbols of the Empire and Rebellion appear in the original trilogy? The Imperial insignia can be seen on uniforms, and the Rebel Alliance starbird appears on the helmets of the X-wing pilots who take on the Death Star.